Joana Saahirah´s World Blog

A Collection of Articles, Videos, and Freebies on Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment

How I remain grounded & positive (even through the storms)


It´s been a crazy ride - this year, this decade, this life. 

Whoever knows me, even superficially, often comments on my unwavering positivity and strength.

- Even when you´re in deep s"#$%, you´re still going up and delivering inspiring work! The sadder you are, the more positive you seem to be.- A friend recently told me with a mix of admiration and criticism. 

-You´re always on the move, accomplishing your dreams, no matter what. - People have...

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Sometimes, this is the most creative thing you can do:

I´ve always been a DOER. 

No, I´m no stranger to laziness, procrastination, the fear of failure and/or success, exhaustion. I deal with those, in different intensity degrees, on a daily basis. 

Yes, I also like to have fun, relax, being instead of producing. Netflix calls me, quitting is an option, if only for a second; I´m human, after all. 

And, still, DOING is my thing. As hard, sweaty, challenging, and boring as it may be, at times, DOING is my cup of...

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Here´s what I do in times of crisis


From my window, I see the Atlantic ocean. It´s beautiful. 

I can also see the emptiness of the street, the cars that stopped passing by, the neighbors who refrain from leaving the house. Just like I do, just like most people in Europe do, right now.

The Corona Virus hit the world and with it comes a series of QUESTIONS we never dared asking. I´m a firm believer in the flipside of the coin. Meaning: every challenge carries an opportunity and every crisis has its perks if...

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How to turn YOUR dreams into reality (Joana Saahirah´s Tool Kit)

Today, we have a New Moon in Aquarius, the symbol of innovation, out of the box thinking & doing; visions and dreams. 

Every year, month, day are opportunities to DREAM and to TAKE ACTION towards our dreams. I believe in this - I´ve been living it since I can remember.

None of what I´ve done in my career and personal life would be possible if I wasn´t a PROFESSIONAL DREAM MAKER. I can only teach from experience - I teach what I am, do, live.

As we enter 2020, the...

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